Oracle of Consciousness
Journeys of the Soul
Stepping Into the Unknown

After a few days scouting the rare "camping" stores and trading with a couple of westerners heading home, Jake and Angelique managed to top up with some appropriate gear and provisions for their journey into unknown territory.

Their guide, Rinpoche Kyabje, had advised the couple that there would be little or no food available where they were going, a two-day hike into the foothills of Mt Kailash.

Both the youngsters were relieved that they would not be hiking to the higher altitudes, but were aware of the quickly changeable weather and freezing cold nights.
The camp fire and cooking grid would keep them warm for those occasions.

“There is however, a small aquifer next to his hut flowing pure mountain water.” Rinpoche added.
"That’s perfect,” Jake proudly announced, “we have all our camping gear, small stove, cooking utensils and fuel to heat up our dehydrated meals."

The departure day arrived along with an old Indian taxi that had been abandoned en-route to Lhasa and made usable again, but not necessarily very roadworthy!

None-the-less Rinpoche's driver and owner was immensely proud of his 'Trusty Steed' an expression bequeathed, along with his hat, from a brave English traveller a few years earlier.

How he acquired spare parts and kept the vehicle running all these years is anyone's guess.
By the end of the first day, enduring choking dust pouring through the open windows, car swallowing potholes and bumpy, narrow unsealed roads, Angelique and Jake relished in the peace and quiet around the warm fire of a little guest house.

"One more full day", Rinpoche had advised them "and we will be at the the drop-off point."
The next day was more of the same transport-wise, but gave the young couple a fantastic taste of rural Tibet.

As the dilapidated ancient car pulled into a tiny village in the foothills just before dusk, Rinpoche announced “This is where we part dear ones, here is a map to take you on foot to your next destination and remember to enjoy every step!”
For a brief moment and simultaneously, Angelique and Jake contemplated whether hugging Rinpoche would be appropriate.
Rinpoche responded to that unspoken thought by stepping forward, arms wide open and lovingly embraced them both, whilst emitting a deep-throated AUM in true Tibetan style.

Their three hearts as one, were over-brimming with love!