Oracle of Consciousness
#106 - Spiritual
Phenomenon (noun):
An observable fact or situation.
The plural form of phenomenon, is phenomena.
We may daydream about spiritual phenomena, our idea of chasing and experiencing spiritual facts and observable situations and occurrences.
The concept of having some lightning bolt experience where we are suddenly awakened and enlightened, the phenomena that some singular situation is going to instantaneously and miraculously transform our lives forever!
In my personal opinion, this would be a rash pursuit, an unrealistic expectation, and when unfulfilled, will cetainly result in palpable disappointment.
Heads up - The notion of chasing spiritual phenomena can become very highly addictive.
It really is a trap, because it's an excuse not to do the inner work, not to go in and resolve and let go of any residual pain, trauma, ancestral history, all of this 'stuff' that needs to be viewed, looked at and released.
Instead, it's not uncommon for people to chase the one big flash of awakening.
Now, it is true that on very rare occasions, some people do have remarkable, spontaneous awakening.
Unfortunately, the rest of us have to do the hard work and that is the direct self-inquiry, releasing, letting go, diving into the morass, into the shadows and working our way through them.
Enjoy your journey, it is more important than arriving at the destination.
Trying to make something happen during meditation or along your spiritual path is folly.
Allow everything to arise from the Unified Field of Potential, in it's own time!
It is going to take bravery and courage, compassion and understanding on your part.
As we go along, we don't compare ourselves with others, but we may compare ourselves to:
Photo by Hayley Murray on Unsplash
Photo by Hayley Murray on Unsplash
"Where am
I today?"
Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash
Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash
"How am I
doing today?"
Photo by Kaja Kadlecova on Unsplash
Photo by Kaja Kadlecova on Unsplash