Oracle of Consciousness
#105 - Seeking

Enlightenment, enlightenment, where for art thou enlightenment?
With apologies to William Shakespeare!

I am speculating here, but probably ever since humanity became aware that they had a modicum of Consciousness, no doubt they have being seeking enlightenment.
So far it would appear that few have attained that lofty goal, but not for the want of trying.
Wise sages of the past, great masters, and current awakened beings have shown us their conscious behaviours and even suggested paths to enlightenment.
However, in my humble opinion, there is a catch to this!
You see if we are seeking something and pursuing it diligently, day in and day out and especially if that something is enlightenment, that which we already are as infinite beings, its’ rather like a dog chasing his tail, it goes round and round in circles, but doesn't really get anywhere.
You see, seeking something that was never lost is a bit of a catch isn't it?

Now where did I put my glasses?

If I'm in a totally darkened area and I light a match, the immediate space has been enlightened.
Next thing I bring out an LED torch and shine the torch light around, now that area has been enlightened a little more.
And I could go to the extreme of bringing football stadium lights and shining that bright illumination into the space and it would be enlightened even more.
But as infinite beings, how much can we become enlightened?
Is there an endpoint?
Absolutely not, consciousness is infinite, with no beginning or ending!

So in essence, if we're seeking enlightenment, then we're searching for something that is not lost!

I personally think it behooves us to drop this idea of seeking something and rather BE it, BE what is already there, behave like it is already present, because it is!
What would the behaviours of an enlightened being, look like?
Brave & Courageous
Enact those heart-centred and conscious behaviours, rather than relentlessly seeking a goal that is already achieved.
Drop the seeker and start being what it is you want to be.

Want more love in the world?
Be Love.

Want more peace in the world?
Be peace.

Let's all, just be love.