Oracle of Consciousness
#103 - Running Away
or Diving In?
When faced with life's challenges; do you run away
or dive in?
Obviously running away is not facing the challenge.
Like a ball and chain affixed to our ankle, the faster we run away, the ball keeps up with us at the same pace!
There's no avoiding it.
When we stop, it's still there.
When we move, it keeps following us.
There is only one solution to our life's challenges and that is to dive within, to look directly and closely, with no denial, no avoidance, no resistance, just acceptance there is a challenge being presented.
Everything happens for a reason!
Big Beings attract
BIG challenges!
Interestingly enough and from personal observations, I can honestly say:
"Big beings attract and take on big challenges."
Not the little stuff, not the playground stuff, but BIG challenges.
So if you are facing some big challenges in your life right now, acknowledge that the conscious being you are, has attracted this scenario in order to access, learn, grow and become even more conscious, more powerful and more heart-centred.
Embrace this and welcome it with open arms, dropping any and all resistance.
This sounds very trite when it's spoken.
It certainly doesn't negate the challenge itself.
They can sometimes be highly traumatic, extremely difficult, really confronting and we can certainly see that and how our world is going through some huge challenges right now.
And all perhaps through an unfathomable blueprint designed to awaken us to who we are at the core?
So dive within, whenever we're being challenged.
Look at it and ask yourself:
What is the Root Cause?
We create our personal reality, so we have attracted this scenario for a reason.
What is my lesson here?
Sift through the challenge and see what is to be learnt from this?
What can I gain from this?
Determine what gains in your life can be experienced through this?
Becoming more conscious.
Deep, inner, self -enquiry gives us more access to who we are at our core.
Eventually, the answers will percolate to the surface with clarity.
From the unconscious state, they will move into your conscious awareness without any mental or emotional 'charge', pain or discomfort.
Now they can be enunciated and shared with others, if one wishes.
From day one, the time we decided to incarnate into these bodies until the last breath.
This is our journey.
"You have the absolute capacity to recognize the truth of yourself as the fulfilment that is already here, as peace, and deepest love."