Oracle of Consciousness

#100 - Responsibility
and Discernment


The state or fact of being accountable or for having caused something.


The ability to distinguish or judge well (someone or something) by sight or with other senses, including your intuition.

As we uncover more of our innate consciousness, there are two other elements that we need to grow in order to navigate our way through our dualistic, three-dimensional landscape of life.

brown wooden dock between lavender flower field near body of water during golden hour

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

brown wooden dock between lavender flower field near body of water during golden hour

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

brown wooden dock between lavender flower field near body of water during golden hour

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

These two abilities are vital for our journey


To be responsible, means that we have originated and created something and made it happen.

We take full responsibility for it, we acknowledge we are the source of what has occurred, taking responsibility for our creation.


Discernment means that we can see or perceive with our five senses, our intuition and intellect, about a situation or a person.
We must sense and feel what is transpiring, whether it is spoken or actions.
We need to heed the warning signs and proceed with caution.

If we don't grow these two abilities alongside our unfolding consciousness, then we're lacking personal responsibility and the ability to discern (not as a judgment), the intention behind, or the unspoken hidden agenda a person may have towards us.

Equipped with responsibility and discernment we are able to see through any subterfuge and competent enough to assess a situation for what it really is, not what it outwardly 'appears' or is said to be.

And how much responsibility can we take?

It's almost endless.

As infinite beings, we have to take full responsibility for all our words and creations.

This is a gradual process.

One of the most important things that we need to take responsibility for, is all of our past actions.

We do this in a loving way towards ourselves, without beating ourself up or falling into the lower emotions of blame, shame and/or regret.

Whatever we do though, we must NOT take responsibility for other people's dysfunctions, their actions, words, or journey, as that is for them to resolve (or not!).

We have to deal with our own circumstances and take full responsibility for them. In a relationship it might be 50-50, but at the very least we take responsibility for our share.

And with discernment, we really need to see what's there, actively listening and watching if there is a mismatch between what is being said and what is being done.

There is a preponderance of untruths being promulgated around our planet at this stage of our transformation, as some people abandon their personal value of integrity for money, power and control.

We have to see through these untruths, using our discernment, critical thinking, intellect and intuition.

"There seems to be something not quite right about this, but I can't put my finger on it".

But that should be enough to wave the the flag of caution and to proceed with eyes wide open.

We don't have to move immediately away from the situation or person as soon as we get some discernment, but we need to keep a very sharp eye and awareness on what's going on.

The responsibility and discernment that we build simultaneously will protect us as we delve deeper into our consciousness, and whole-heartedly into who we are at the core.

These will protect us from blindly going into a situation without having done our homework.

It will protect us from unscrupulous, nefarious intentions that may be lurking behind an action or words.

Now we can park all fears and judgement and witness What Is!

As we grow these skills, we become more in coherent alignment with the truth and it is the truth that we are seeking, which will ultimately set us free.

Beyond that truth lies freedom, the freedom of choice, freedom of expression, and free will, devoid of any falsehoods.

It is part of our evolutionary consciousness journey.

We will attract situations to us, in order to learn, grow, and expand our access to the consciousness that lies within.

Keep going on this beautiful journey.

As we go along our path the incremental and end results are just magnificent!

Eyes wide open!

     "The truth is you really are nothing, but this nothing is full, whole, infinite in everything and everywhere.

This nothing is consciousness itself.

It is already whole, complete and fulfilled.

This is the amazing irony."
