Oracle of Consciousness
#98 - Remnants
of the Past

A part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed or destroyed.

As we continue on our path, our journey of life, we are often faced with challenges, some traumas, pain and/or discomfort.
When we deal with these, we remedy them at that particular level and time of our conscious evolution.
Sometimes, they can be completely obliterated, moving from the unconscious mind into our conscious awareness.
They no longer have an impact on us, there's no restimulated or residual charge, we've got to the root cause, resolved and let it go once and for all.
This is the optimum solution.

But more often than not, because it seems like the universe dishes out our challenges at the level that we can accept and overcome, rather than us being totally overwhelmed by them.
We go through life happily doing what we love to do and suddenly, the same scenario with its mental and emotional 'charge' comes back to haunt us again!
We think,
"Oh damn, I dealt with that years ago, or at least, I thought I dealt with it".
So what's going on here?

Think in terms of spirals

Imagine a spiral with large circles at the top circling down, just like the bathwater down the drain.
Below the middle line in the image is our devolution, we are devolving from our native heart-centred state, downwards into a more unconscious and fearful condition.
At some point in our life, we realise that we want to arrest this decline, and start moving back up the spiral.
The process of arresting the decline is dealing with our 'stuff', resolving our trauma, our unwise behaviours, ceasing harming ourselves, others and the planet.
Then we start moving more into a conscious realm of resolving these issues and living.
As we come back up the spiral, we may uncover some past trauma that we thought we had completely dealt with earlier.
But we hadn't, it was only partially viewed, giving some limited relief.
Photo by Sifat Niloy on Unsplash
Photo by Sifat Niloy on Unsplash
Photo by Sifat Niloy on Unsplash
Photo by Sifat Niloy on Unsplash
Let's imagine our traumas and 'stuff', as an iceberg.
As we deal with it, we chop some off the top of the iceberg, but of course, icebergs float.
So it pops back up to the surface and this is what is going on with our 'stuff', it is resurfacing.
We've dealt with the top pinnacle of the iceberg and did that with some modicum of success.
We felt some relief from it.
But the iceberg is now floating into our awareness and there is still more to do.
Our job is to either disintegrate the entire iceberg, or chip away at it as it comes back into our conscious awareness.
And eventually, if we' are diligent about it, the iceberg will disappear, either in one fell swoop, in one particular area of our life
If we do not remedy the inner condition it will just keep coming back, we'll be in another relationship, another job or another whatever.
It is there and presenting itself as a lesson to be learnt
And there it is, the same old repeated behaviour, same pain and trauma, regurgitating the same conflict with people until we realise,
"Wow, there's still more of the iceberg left".
We should be very grateful that this 'iceberg', our trauma, is presenting itself to be relieved.

We've been blessed with the fact that the past just keeps bobbing up to the surface to be finally dealt with.

Radically surrender into this.

Be appreciative, courageous and understanding that this is the nature of the game.
Keep seeing the bigger picture!