Oracle of Consciousness
#95 - Pivotal Times
A movement that plays a central part in changing course.
Humanity is going through pivotal times.
The perfect pivot metaphor
Old and New Paradigm operating simultaneously - for now!
The Old Paradigm
The old paradigm, contains much of which no longer truly serves all of humanity, other species and the Earth.
We need to sift through this old paradigm and bring forth that which does work, into the new paradigm; indigenous wisdom, regenerative agriculture, gentle birthing, all of these ideas, activities and more that still work for humanity.
Then we will discard those that don't serve us.
The Bridge
We have built a metaphorical bridge to carry all the workable, renewable and regenerative elements of life from the old to the new paradigm.
Every time we choose to create any elements of the new paradigm, the New Earth, we strengthen and widen the bridge for others to follow.
The New Paradigm
We don't fully know or comprehend what the new paradigm will look and feel like, but those with imagination and insight, can get glimpses of the future we want to create as our new reality.
The workable transferred elements will merge with modern day, state-of-the-art technology.
The original first principles and values will be re-instated and revered by all.
The beginning is near!
Dual and Non-Dual
Duality implies two (or more) of everything.
Examples of this are: hot and cold, day and night, masculine and feminine, good and bad, ad infinitum.
Duality exists in the 3-Dimensional realm.
Non-Duality (One)
We are not operating solely in this 3-Dimensional region, instead we are multi-dimensional beings, experiencing that which is well beyond the tangible, solid world with which we are so familiar.
These other dimensions cannot be seen, but certainly can be felt and envisioned.
Duality implies separateness, that is we sometimes feel separate from our central core, from others, nature, the world in which we inhabit, work, and play.
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash
Interconnectedness means we are connected to everyone and everything. Nothing is separate. There is no other.
All is One.
“ The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
As we pivot, we must recognise that we still have to abide by some of the rules of the old paradigm, we still have to be grounded, connected to nature, both sides of the same coin, we still have to uphold some of the elements of the old paradigm that certainly don't serve us that well. e.g.
- financial systems. It's very hard to immediately divest ourselves of all of those elements at this time.
And so we learn to work around and through them.
Not resisting, but just seeing that they are there and that they're in the process of being changed.
The caterpillar's life is done and it is turning into a butterfly
So we pivot from one element to another, one dimension to another, back and forth until one day.....well let's wait and see what unfolds!
From the old paradigm to the new, and so forth.
This is the process at this stage of our conscious evolution.
Let's do this dance of life together, pivoting beautifully
through life.
Knowing fully what the nature of the game is.
Let's pivot together.
May I have this next dance?