Oracle of Consciousness
#145 - Multi-Dimensions
Having many layers, facets, aspects, or elements.
Embracing our multi-dimensionality.
That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?
Multi-Dimensions - apparently there are many dimensions which we can experience and inhabit.
The most obvious one is this third-dimension (3D) plane of existence, which has length, depth and breadth, is physical, tangible, and dualistic.
We get to see and observe this through our five senses and the sixth sense of intuition.
That is very real to us.
But just like the other higher vibrational frequencies, we have other dimensions that we can tap into.
Whether we're aware of it or not, we are multi-dimensional by nature, that means we are occupying and can consciously access, more than one dimension at a time.
Imagine you are at the centre of this slice of onion.
It has multiple layers, all are connected to each other and no one layer is more important than another.
Now imagine surrounding you, are multiple, unseen levels of higher vibrational frequency dimensions.
Sure you cannot see them, but neither can you see the radio, TV or WiFi signals that surround you.
Just because you cannot see something, doesn't imply it doesn't exist or is not there!
Similarly, we cannot see the Consciousness that we are and which animates these bodies of ours.
This is the process that we're undergoing now as the human family, we're moving into more of our authenticity of who we are at the core, which is multi-dimensional and we're tapping into these other dimensions.
If any of you are feeling that you're losing your memory, or that you're more forgetful these days, then probably that is because we're operating, either consciously or unconsciously, in other dimensions, and that we're not fully present in this three-dimensional world.
So we forget what we've done with the car keys or what we need to buy at the shop, because we are partially off in 'La La Land' and not registering or fully present in present time!
We have a foot in each camp, one in this solid, 3D world, and the other foot in another or other dimensions, non-dual by nature leading to Oneness.
But of course, nothing is separate, so in reality there is only Oneness.
And that Oneness has within it, variable vibrational frequencies ranging from the lower frequency of our solid, three-dimensional world of which we are familiar, to the other dimensions that are vibrating higher, and yet to be revealed.
Think about the sliced onion again as the metaphor.
It is something of a challenge for us to be embedded in a higher dimension and to live in this solid earthly dimension, which is vibrating at a much lower frequency level.
We have to accept that this process is going on in our world today.
As the Earth raises her vibrational frequencies, from the dense to the more etheric, then we too as the human family are doing the same.
We're having to leave behind some of the connections, the love and the reliance of the stability and solidity of our world, to realise that there is more beyond that.
The solidity is just energy, just like what is present in all of the other dimensions and we may be somewhat reluctant to release this grip, in order to venture into higher vibrational planes of existence.
We are not talking about 'woo-woo' stuff here, we are talking about seriously and sincerely exploring what is beyond this physical world and there is a lot to explore.
It has been said that we could potentilly experience twelve dimensions in this physical form.
Now I haven't experienced twelve of them, but I've certainly have experienced more than just this one dimension.
And you can do too, you have already!
What else is raw creativity, intuition, quantum entanglement and innate knowingness?
It would be a good idea to clean up our third-dimensional world, get it fully functional again and be very comfortable living in it and then we can delve into other realms, on our way to the infinite.
How big is that?
There is our potential future lining-out right in front of us, right under our noses!
This is what we have waiting for us, not as a form of escapism, but our conscious evolution.
It's beckoning us, come and take a look inside.
Everything we seek lies within!
Welcome Home!
“Be realistic:
Plan for a miracle”