Oracle of Consciousness
#88 - Manifestations of Consciousness

Exploring the infinite faces or facets of consciousness.
PS - Good luck with that!!

Everything you touch, taste, smell, see, hear and intuit, is a result of consciousness.

If consciousness is manifesting into this three-dimensional, tangible, solid, beautiful, world that we live in, then imagine if you will, what the worlds beyond this dimension could be like?

There are many, many other dimensions available to us as human beings.

These higher vibrational frequency dimensions are not tangible or physical by nature.
In elements of them, there is no time, energy, space or matter, but they exist none-the-less, exactly as WiFi and TV signals are present but remain unseen.
We don't ascend into these multi-dimensional frequencies, but immerse and engage with them in present time.

If you slice an onion in half, you will see all the different layers surrounding its core.
Now contemplate this; we are the metaphorical core as an individuated 3-Dimensional human being, and we are also every other layer and well beyond.
This is our multi-dimensionality.
This core being that we are, is also interconnected with all other core beings, as One.
Therefore, nothing is separate.
We are connected to everyone and everything.
There is NO other!

Our role in becoming more conscious, is to engage ourselves in the source of this manifestation.
You see, we're co-creating in the great Wheel of Life.
It seems we may be following some form of blueprint and we as individual and equal spokes in the wheel, are co-creating towards the manifestation of this grand design.

Wherever and whenever we engage in separateness, in our dualistic, three-dimensional world, we are to some degree if only illusionary, disconnecting from all of the other dimensions and everything else that exists.
That can leave us with a feeling of being inferior, little, or of no significance.
Just one little speck.

Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash
Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash

Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash
Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash

Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash
Photo by Graphic Node on Unsplash
But we're not, we're much grander than that!

Put your focus on the infinite you, the expansiveness of you, and don't get caught up in the day-to-day drama, the trials and tribulations that are occurring in and around our world now. These too shall pass.
Look up.
Look outwards.
And look inwards, to who you really are at the core and know that ultimately:
All separateness leads us to Interconnectedness.

A new day is dawning.
The darkest shadows occur in the brightest light.
Look for that light.