Oracle of Consciousness
#153 - Maintaining Our
Highest Vibration
Vibrate: to pulsate, reverberate, resonate, or oscillate.
Frequency: the rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample.
Vibrational Frequency: in this case is the level of energy pulsating through and around the human form.
How do we regulate or increase our frequencies?
There are four main brain wave patterns,
each with a different vibrational frequency
Busy, active mind.
The Beta brain wave pattern at 14 to 30 cycles per second.
Level 1
Reflective, restful.
The Alpha brain wave pattern at 8 to 13 cycles per second.
Level 2 & 3
The Theta brain wave pattern at 4 to 7 cycles per second.
Level 2 & 3
Sleep, dreaming.
The Delta brain wave pattern at 0.5 to 3 cycles per second.
Level 3
It is possible to consciously access and lower these brain wave cycles to tap into our innate creativity and multi-dimensional frequencies.
On a practical level, when we engage with walking and immersing ourselves in nature, often it will raise, align, and synchronise our personal vibrational frequency with that of nature.
Sounds can do the same, the sound of water, beautiful music, a voice reading poetry, or literature.
Reading a compelling book that is uplifting or surrounding ourselves with people that resonate with us and who are on the same wavelength, are understanding, really ‘get’ us and are in sync with what we are feeling and experiencing.
The opposite of course is true that can take us down a notch or two, a noisy jack-hammer, watching a horror movie, listening to jarring music, whatever is disharmonious in your life.
It can also come from being encircled by negative people, always complaining and unappreciative of what they have.
If you surround yourself with those sorts of people, they will drag down your energy's vibrational frequency, if you let them.
Here we see the same wave lengths can be in harmony, no matter what their shape or vibrational frequencies.
However when there is a mismatch as in the lower set, then disharmony will prevail.
Our challenge (as best as possible), is to match the vibrational frequencies of the people we mainly interact with and include other activities that we may consistently engage.
It is best to systematically, gently and respectfully divest ourselves of people we do not harmonise with and are not uplifting, we just move away from them, or we reduce our interaction with them as much as humanly possible.
Obviously we can't necessarily do this easily with family members, so this will be a test of our tolerance, compassion and patience, while not permitting them to wipe their dirty boots over us like a doormat, or condoning their harmful behaviour.
Then we can maintain our vibrational frequency with like-minded people who are on the same wave-length, along with places and activities that are in tune, in sync with who we are at the core.
Remember, we are Infinite Consciousness having a human experience!
Can you imagine for a moment, what level of frequency an infinite being would vibrate at?
Think about that for a moment.
Anything that is infinite is inconceivable, and unfathomable at our stage of
conscious evolution.
But we can consciously raise our vibrational frequency at will and at a practical level.
This is a really profoundly beneficial activity to engage in, so let's raise our vibrational frequency, individually and collectively to create a better world for us all.