Oracle of Consciousness
#86 - Letting Go
Your Persona
The aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others.
Your persona is the mask, the role, or the character that you are seen as externally, the one that you have created, hide behind and portray as yourself.
Anything we add to ourselves in terms of a title, an idea, a look, a trend, is not necessarily making us more conscious, but it is leading us in that direction.
There is nothing wrong with these additions per se, but it's very easy to get caught up in the idea, story and identity of the persona and start believing:
“This is who I am”!
There can be both positive and negative aspects of our persona, but they're not really who we are at the core.
It's more like a social mask that we put on when we leave the house.
We wear the smiling mask, but underneath, we might be very sad, we may be dealing with some trauma; or have some upset at home and we don’t want the outside world to discover this.
We want to continually reinforce our fabricated outer façade, so that people will think good of us, or that we are strong and resilient in the face of challenges.
Yet we still hold onto our persona.
And we may walk to the bus stop or engage with somebody, and they ask,
"How are you doing?"
And you say-
"Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine!"
When really you are not!
This inauthenticity is coming directly from the ego – a false sense of ourselves.
It is a mental construct that we've developed to externally portray ourselves in a particular way, which is not truly authentic at the core.
We're trying to mask or hide something, so that people won't think badly of us or won't judge us.
It takes bravery and courage to dismantle this persona, the mask, or masks we wear, to understand, to truly live and embody who we are behind them, ‘warts and all’.
This is the revelation and path to authenticity, aligned with the truth.
And just how are we going to dismantle this?
Continually ask:
Photo by Simon Corry on Unsplash
Photo by Simon Corry on Unsplash
"How authentic am I being in this moment?
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash
How authentic is my communication?
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
How authentic are my behaviours"?
Be ruthlessly honest and truthful with yourself
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
Take full responsibility for what you have created that no
longer serves you.
It may have done so in the past,
but no more!
This is where the six heart values come in, it takes humility, bravery, courage and understanding to confront and breakdown the façade and its falsehoods.
Use and practice them at every opportunity and when we can live through our heart, being compassionate, appreciative, forgiving, brave, humble, and understanding, we become much more real and authentic.
Along with that comes the radiance of consciousness.
We allow the consciousness to arise above this shell, piece by piece dismantling the persona that we've created, so that we can be become more effective, loving, kinder, enacting wiser and more intelligent behaviours, in short, more of all the good stuff!
Isn't that what we want, a world filled with authentic, responsible, conscious, and loving people?
Well, we're on the way to achieving what our heart’s desire.
Thank you for your contribution!