Oracle of Consciousness

The Problem with Only
Left Brain Thinking

Our Brains have Two Hemispheres.

We need them both!

As you can see in the image on the right, both hemispheres have very different functions.

To perform well, human beings require the use of both hemispheres of their brains.

The following is two hypothetical scenarios to demonstrate how left and right hemisphere thinking may be used.

Scenario One

Dania is a bright, energetic kid, whose worldly parents have lovingly exposed her to various cultures, food, religions and countries, throughout their travels.

One day, at a brand new school for her, on a brand new tropical island, she asks her brand new teacher, “Ms More, is Santa real?”

Ms More is a smart, intelligent and caring teacher and looks Dania in the eye and says – “Dania that is a lovely question – what do YOU think?”

Dania’s spirit is uplifted by the empowerment this new lady in her life has just offered her and she replies – “Ms More, I think Santa is a big, jolly man with a raucous, infectious and sometimes very loud laugh, he has loads of little workers, male and female who live with him in the North Pole, in a huge cosy and warm, home cum factory, where they happily labour daily, to make toys for kids all over the world.

The toys are supposed to be only for good kids, but I don’t believe that, because sometimes, I can be a little bit naughty and I still get some super presents every Christmas and besides, I learned to be a little bit naughty from my Mummy and Daddy, because nobody is perfect!”

She goes on to say – “Santa is not judgemental and loves everybody, even BIG kids my parents age and do you know what, he is an amazingly generous and compassionate man, who loves his wife as an equal, treats his co-workers really well and he has, wait for it, a superb fire engine red coloured sleigh, with tinkling bells and the most adorable reindeers!

I cant remember how many or all their names right now, but I always leave a little bit of food out for them and they are ever so grateful for it.”

“I don’t think he comes down the chimney though, because some little kids live in houses that don’t even have a fireplace, like I do now in Fuju.

But that doesn’t stop him from delivering the presents all over the world, because he can travel through hyperspace and tap into timeless realms, where time stands still and some adults can’t even understand that, but us kids do.

“So yes Ms More, I do believe in Santa.”

Scenario Two

Ms Jones to Donna who had just asked the same question about Santa, “Santa is not real and your mommy and daddy are the ones buying the presents and putting them under the tree!! And then they tell you it was Santa! 

Donna – “OMG!! My parents are liars!

This revelation shatters her confidence and trust in little Donna’s parents and she ponders
“What other lies have the been telling my all my life? 
Do they really love me as they say often?
Maybe I am adopted, found under a Rhubarb tree, maybe Daddy is an arms dealer or sells drugs and what does Mummy do when she goes to Bali?”

“Is anything real?”

“Can I trust anything that comes our of their mouths now?”

“So the big, happy man that I believe in is a big, fat lie.
Thank you adults, you all suck and now I will have to get some counselling to relieve the pain of being lied to and having untrustworthy parents, but worse of all, I don’t know what to believe or imagine any longer, so I guess I will just turn into a little, compliant robot, who thinks only analytical, logic thoughts and doesn’t believe in magic.”

With that, little, post-innocent Donna bursts into tears and withdraws from life, knowing that Santa is gone, never to be believed in again and she mutters to herself -  “ I had better start telling other kids to wake up, he isn’t real, get a life and don’t use your furtive imagination, because look what happened to John Lennon after he wrote Imagine.”

Coming back to our amazing brain, the first scenario demonstrates the teacher's ability to validate her student's imagination, creativity and ability to conceptionalise the subject, while enunciating it through precise, detailed, and organised language.

This is an excellent balance.

In the second scenario, the teacher uses an approach steeped in logic, analysis, science and lacking any compassion and understanding of the child's imaginative perspective.

The imbalance has a profound negative effect on the student, robbing her of her child-like innocence and imagination.

Question: How can we ever craft a better world for ourselves, others, all the species and the Earth, if we cannot imagine it beforehand?

Footnote - We as extraordinary human beings have two hemispheres to our brains, the left is linear, analytical and thrives on logic, we need this, and we also need to master the EGO part, which is driven by fear, separateness and superiority and more.

The right hemisphere is holistic, expansive and sees the bigger picture and beyond. It is full of dreams, imagination, unity and connectedness.

Much of our modern education falls short of providing a learning experience for both hemispheres and using our creative, solutions-based ideas to bring about a just, sustainable and peaceful world.

Imagine what
that world
would look like:

Go on, I dare you!

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