Oracle of Consciousness
#85 - Intuition
The ability to know and understand something instictively, without the need for conscious reasoning
There are so many amazing gifts available to us and remarkably, we need to look no further than inside.
Everything we seek in the outer world, pales in comparison to what is available within.
One of those is intuition.
The Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland, sometimes referred to as the Third Eye, provides us with our intuition.
It is located in the middle of your brain, functioning as a part of your endocrine system and secretes the hormone melatonin, which aids healthy sleep patterns, reduces stress and anxiety levels, while heightening your spiritual awareness.
Our intuition / third eye / pineal gland, gives us insights that bear no scientific proof, meet no logical explanation and can't really be analysed, as the left brain would like to do.
None-the-less, these intuitive hits are our deep connection to that which lies within and beyond us, to that which is not separate.
If only momentarily, we get to take off our 3 Dimensional glasses and see what lies outside their limitations.
In essence, our intuition leads us to Interconnectedness.
How do we develop our intuition?
Well, it's happening all the time, except maybe we're not aware of it if we're deeply embroiled in our ego-personality, mental chatter and all of our lower level emotions.
We have to let those go, and allow the quiet voice of the intuition to whisper to us.
As we're working to develop this, every time that we have an intuitive hit, we need to quietly acknowledge ourselves.
"Oh, I knew that!"
Perhaps you knew who was calling you before you even looked at the phone, or you were aware of something that was going to happen and it came true.
Every time we have one of those moments of intuition, we just need to silently, humbly say,
"Hmm, I was aware of that, well done".
As we acknowledge this force that lies within us, it gets bigger and bigger and grander and grander.
We now have insights into the future, which is really the element of NOW.