Oracle of Consciousness

Journeys of the Soul
Integration - Is so Important

With their visit coming to an end soon, Chodrak had advised them to "Take a few days to assimilate and integrate everything that you have heard and felt from me, as one day you are going to be within the next level and group of awakened Millennials, who bring about change and conscious leadership."

"Listen to your heart as to how you can make a difference in our world, alongside millions of young people waking up to the new reality." He said, looking them both sincerely and squarely in their eyes.

"These are the most profound and unprecedented times facing our precious human family and those with a modicum of consciousness, are being called to take some form of non-violent action to bring about the much-needed changes."

"When you are satisfied with the integration process we are going to hike and stay overnight in a shallow cave on the side of Mt Kailash."

Both Jake and Angelique let out a palpable gasp!

"You said you wanted to visit all the Earth's Chakras, did you not?" Replied the sage.

"We will be above the snow-line so you must be well prepared," he added.

Over the next few days the three of them hiked into the mountains to an ice-melt waterfall, where he had them plunge and remain under the freezing cold, pummelling water.

Initially, they would emerge shivering uncontrollably, and breathlessly gasping for air.

Angelique suffered the most and exited in tears on more than one occasion.

"Surrender! Surrender! thundered Chodrak, "radically surrender Angelique!"

"Acceptance is the key, give up your fight and radically accept and surrender into the cold and discomfort, he shouted, above the din of the waterfall.

After a few more minutes of protest, he witnessed how Angelique's body slowly softened, the tension melting away as she gave in and became one with the water.

Then, minutes later she, leapt out of the crashing water and shouted to Chodrak,
"I did it! I did it, I accepted and surrendered into the reality and all of a sudden there was no resistance and even the cold abated!"

Both men loudly and vigorously applauded, beamed huge smiles down to Angelique readying some warm clothes once she joined them.

When they returned to their cosy sanctuary and sipping a mug of hot chocolate courtesy of the leaving travellers, and reserved for a special moment like this, Jake queried Chodrak,

"You said we would be staying in a cave overnight above the snow line, we cannot carry enough fire wood for a whole night, how will we stay warm and alive?"

"A very good question Jake and as you have been preparing yourself physically, mentally and emotionally these few days, I will share the last step which was taught to me when I was young."

You see we carry the four elements of Earth within us and as we came from the Earth, we shall ultimately return there.

The elements are Air, Water, Earth and Fire.

"My father took me out in the snow when I was nine years of age, sat me on the ground and told me to light the fire in my belly."

"I cant, I cant!" I cried to his deaf ears.

"Then you stay here until you can, he said, one day it will save your life."

"After a few minutes of shivering and thinking I was going to die, I did as he said and lit the fire in my belly."

"A small flicker at first but swelled with success, I managed to build up the fire enough to warm my entire body."

"And my dad was right, do you remember I said I couldn't leave this place because I was snowed in over that harsh winter?"

"Well the fire in my belly kept me snug and warm for weeks until I could go out and fetch some firewood!"

Tomorrow evening, you will get to try this out for yourself.


As usual, just before dawn and following the rhythm of the Earth, Chodrak slipped out of his cosy sleeping nest and donned some warm clothes to go and awaken the young couple, who usually surfaced when the golden rays of light were already kissing the side of Mt Kailash.

To his surprise as he unlatched his door, there they were, ready to partake in a hearty breakfast ahead of the sojourn up the mountain.

They still had some unopened packets of nutritious food, which was usually supplemented with some of Chodrak's piping hot vegetable soup, however, this was to be their last meal for about three days.

After breakfast and doing a final check of all their gear, they set off on their exploration of the Earth's Crown Chakra with its total height of 6,705 metres.

"Several years ago, I discovered a small cave on the eastern side of the mountain, roughly two and a half hours trek, depending on the weather, rest breaks and any rockfalls blocking our ascent," Chodrak announced.

The trek was relatively uneventful, but Angelique uncovering some muscles she hadn't used for a while, needed to stop and recover a few times.

The cave was devoid of any life with the exception of a few bats, who fortunately did their ablutions towards the back, leaving the front area clean for the visitors.

This was to be Chodrak's twentieth visit, the longest being for three weeks.

They settled in and spent the remainder of the daylight hours propped up against their rucksacks chatting with each other about their travels and lives.

Both Jake and Angelique's tummies rumbled and complained about the lack of food, but they weren't cold!

Come nightfall, Chodrak announced that they would remain awake all night, journeying to other realms and that he would accompany and be with them as their guide throughout. Their internal fire would keep them warm for the duration of the process.

With the fragrance of the incense wafting through the cave and Chodrak revolving his mani wheel while chanting “Om mani padme hum,” the process began.

Within a few minutes, both Angelique and Jake were transported into another realm by Chodrak's calming deep voice and rhythmical chanting.

No doubt the sacred Mt Kailash had a hand in this too!

Angelique felt her vibrational energy palpably lift and sensed a toroidal impression as she left the denser third dimension reality behind, along with her ego's falsely created idea of 'I' and the associated persona she had carried around for 24 years.

It was blissful.

With Chodrak's guidance, she fearlessly ventured deeper into finer and unknown toroidal dimensions, which like the Russian nesting dolls, each encapsulated her physical body.

To say it was other-worldly would be an understatement.

Jake on the other hand experienced a stargate-portal, like nothing he had ever encountered.

Drawn in by Chodrak's melodic chanting along with his presence as his personal guide, he willingly surrendered to whatever was arising and was totally mesmerised by what he was witnessing, feeling and sensing.

Little did both of them know, that they were occupying a non-dual state, without time, space or anything solid.

With the pre-dawn light, Chodrak ceased his chanting and gently brought them back to the 3rd dimensional reality and invited them to take a short nap to allow their bodies to integrate the experiences, before they discussed their journeys.

Around noon, they left the sanctuary of the cave, which had given them the unique Mt Kailash crown chakra experience and meandered in silence down to their dwelling.

Day-three of this adventure was again without food, but the trio were now being well nourished by Life-Force energy.

This was the time to share their inner journey experiences and to pose the numerous questions that arose from their sojourn into other dimensions.

Angelique's Experiences


Everything was so rich, vibrant, colourful and alive!
Subtle hues I had never imagined possible.


I felt I was not separate from anything.
I became the witness and that which was being witnessed.


I had left the 3rd Dimension behind and yet I could interpret the other dimensions into some semblance of understanding.


I could be whatever and whomever I wanted to create and dismantle at will.
It was so creative and super empowering!

Jake's Experiences

Detached from my body

I could not sense my body and yet I saw and felt everything from the One perspective.

The Whole human family

I saw us all as human beings first, without titles or labels, but as brothers and sisters.


I actually felt there was no beginning or ending to me, everything or everyone.


When it is all said and done, everything boils down to just one word:




Chodrak cried out over-brimming with joy, while kissing his beads!

"You have done well and it is time for you to move on with your chakra journey, as I continue on my inner exploration."

"Have you decided where your next adventure will land you?" he added.

Jake and Angelique looked at each other and simultaneously blurted out, "Uluru in Central Australia!"

"We are not following them in any sequence other than minimising the distances travelled in between to maximise our explorations."

The following day a heart-felt, with occasional teary farewell was performed, with numerous hugs, hand shakes and huge smiles of appreciation.

This couple had left an indelible mark on Chodrak's heart, as he had on theirs.

Don't go yet, there is more!

Click here to read about 'Uluru, The Solar Plexus Chakra.'