Oracle of Consciousness

#81 - How Does it
Serve You?

How does it serve you to hang on to old behaviours, beliefs and ideas, when letting go is so much more exhilarating?

This question is well worth contemplating and answering.

Because let's face it, sometimes we do get stuck.

We just don't seem to be able to move forward, we just seem to be repeating in our mind, regurgitating the same messages about ourselves and often they're self- sabotaging.

woman in gray top

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

woman in gray top

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

woman in gray top

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Or we may be causing harm to ourselves and others, through our behaviours.

We may be hanging on to some old belief systems that don't really work for us, but we still hang on to them.

It's keeping us in the past.

When we contemplate this question,

"How does it serve me to hang on to this?"

Then we can free up our attention and move on with our lives.

You see, as infinite beings operating these bodies, we can't possibly be 'stuck'.

So this has to be a mind-generated concept.

It has to be conditioned from our childhood or from our exposure to other people's ideas.

These are learnt, sometimes cultural or generational ideas, as when we witness how people resolve conflict or not, how they engage with life, what we have been told, and we repeat these ideas and behaviours.

They're ingrained as a pattern that is repetitive and it will eventually lead us to a place of stuckness, where we feel we can't do this anymore.

And from this impetus, we can create something new.

This is the path of direct, self-enquiry, probably the greatest gift you can bestow upon yourself.

You pose the question, "How does this serve me to............?", and then add-on whatever it is that you're observing in yourself.

This takes ruthless honesty.

Whatever arises, as it will, keep going deeper and deeper until you feel you have arrived at the root cause.

You will know it to be your truth.

It is generally followed by a sense of relief and liberation.

Now you will need to replace that old thought pattern and resultant behaviour(s) with something that is more life-enhancing.

Practice the new behaviour until it becomes your new normal.

Make sure you acknowledge and validate yourself for doing the inner work.

a picture of a vase with flowers and a sign

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

a picture of a vase with flowers and a sign

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

a picture of a vase with flowers and a sign

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

This takes enormous courage.

Courage is one of the heart values you use upon yourself.

It takes bravery to dive in there.

It requires taking full responsibility for adopting the ideas in the first place, and enacting the destructive behaviours.

Your reward?

It will take you to the next plateau of understanding about what makes you tick.

I whole-heartedly encourage you, if there are any of these old paradigm activities, thoughts, ideas and beliefs, now's the time to let them go, because we, collectively, are letting go of this old paradigm.

We are dismantling that which no longer serves all of humanity, no longer serves us, our families, our communities and our nations.

We're creating something brand new.

This process is arising at this stage, and we bravely need to ride this wave of change.

This in part, is why you the infinite being that you are, came into this incarnation, to create a new way of thinking, being, having and doing.

Move into present time, be very mindful, feel the presence of the consciousness that is you, and dwell in that.

Welcome back!
And just between you
and I, you never left!