Oracle of Consciousness
Cause No Harm
to the Earth

Mother Earth,
my true mother!

Chapter 7
Cause No Harm to the Earth
Treat our only home with dignity and respect.

“Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
Chief Seattle

As we move away from the head and the egoic mind’s influence and into our hearts, we naturally become more aware of the bigger picture that surrounds us. That we are part of a huge ecosystem cleverly designed to sustain all life.
With our new found consciousness blossoming, a sense of responsibility arises that naturally steers us to doing the right thing. As part of humanity, we realise that we need each other to survive and that any form of separateness, immediately threatens our survival and the survival of all living things on the planet.

According to some scientists, the Big Bang Theory dates the history of the universe to approximately 13.7 billion years.
Think about that for a moment.
It is almost impossible to get our heads around such a vast amount of time and yet the evidence suggests such.
Our existence and the degradation of this planet represent such a tiny fraction of time and yet since around the 1740s with the inception of the Industrial Revolution, we have systematically raped our planet of resources, polluted the air, water and lands, clogged our systems and reduced our very human existence to one of non-sustainability.
Now think about that!!

Thirteen point seven billion years of evolution and in the last two hundred and seventy years we have reduced or depleted so many non-renewable resources, food sources, species, rainforests, our own health and wellbeing, quality of life and ultimately threatened our very own existence.
We are perpetuating the same unwise, unintelligent behaviours over and over again!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Why would we do this to ourselves?
At the risk of repeating myself, it is because we have been influenced and conditioned to believe we are separate from each other, other life forms and Mother Earth.
When we stop over-consuming our natural resources, when we utilise renewable energy sources and distribute them evenly and equitably, when we cease to overpopulate our beloved planet, when we stop depleting our rain forests and start using technology and industry development to enhance the lives of all peoples of Earth, then we will become self sustainable and in harmony with each other and the planet as a whole, living entity.
Be like Mother Earth, she renews and regenerates herself!

When we do that it will be a very good day!
As dramatic as it may sound, our choices we make today, will (note I am not saying - maybe) affect the outcome of the tomorrow we create.
It is entirely up to us and being the eternal optimist, I believe if we individually and collectively wake up and decide not to cause harm to our planet, then life on our Earth can continue to be the miracle that it is.

Item 1 of 9

You choose

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Chapter 8