Oracle of Consciousness
#77 - Getting Caught
Up in the Drama
Imagine if you will for a moment, just how extensive and huge life is, from the multiple, untapped universes to our one Earth, and all of the components of this planet, its eight billion human inhabitants, the majestic rainforests, expansive deserts, our eighty plus (if we are lucky) years of human existence, tiny microbes, atoms, protons and quantum particles that make up and constitute life on this little blue planet.
"The third rock from the sun!"
Okay it is way more than a rock, but think about the magnitude of all that and then multiply it a million times and more to infinity.
Here we are, infinite beings having a human experience amongst all of this life, what a gift that is!
But it's not unusual to get caught up in the minutest details of life, not seeing the bigger picture, but getting caught up in the drama, 'what he said' and 'what they did, this person's belief and this shouldn't be the way it is', it's so easy to get drawn into the web of drama.
With this we must be observant about not getting caught up in it, but always seeing the bigger picture.
Taking the eagles perspective from its lofty heights.
Taking a leaf out of Mother Nature's book
It's rather like witnessing an early morning spider creating its web.
The spider has diligently woven, and spun this web in order to catch its food.
If we were to just focus on one tiny strand of the web, we would fail to see the magnificence of this overall creative, functional structure of the spider, and the high tensile points, which holds it together while woven into an intricate design.
Only to be repeated time and time again.
How is that for persistent!
This is Mother Nature reminding us to always see the bigger picture by backing out, seeing the drama and situation for what it is, but not making it worse.
It's a bit like using
Google Earth.
From a distance, if we are familiar with the area, we can spot Trafalgar Square in the heart of London.
As we hone in closer we recognise Charing Cross Station, the River Thames, and other landmarks.
But as we zoom out, we can see a large portion of London City and elevating up higher to a height of 13,336 metres, we get to see the River Thames meandering through the city to a distance on the map of approximately 12 kilometres.
This is the elevated, bird's eye view and perspective being referenced
So focus your attention on the bigger picture of your unfolding life.
See what is there, don't deny it, don't try and make it go away and don't get caught up in the tiny fractions of your life.
Enjoy this journey.
Be mindful of what's going on, but always look for the bigger picture, the bigger picture is you.