Oracle of Consciousness
#76 - Freedom
The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants.
The power of self-determination.
Believe it or not, you are exactly and precisely where you need to be in this moment, right now.
Participating in the grand awakening.
The Human Metamorphosis!
Now the ego-mind may contend that fiercely, and can say:
"No, this is not what I want!
This is not where I want to be!
This is not the relationship I want to be in!
I don't want my lack of abundance!
or whatever objection it has, and there will be plenty, because that is the nature of the ego!
But at the deepest core of ourselves, as co-creators of our personal and shared collective reality that we find ourselves in now, this is exactly where we need to be.
Right here, right now!
When we can embrace that idea and take full responsibility for it, we can drop all of the resistance.
When we're resisting things, we're pushing up against something and saying, "No, this is not right. This shouldn't be happening to me", creating objections to what is transpiring, which results in an inner conflict.
When we argue or figtht with reality, we always lose!
When we can finally radically surrender and radically accept what is actually going on, facing the current reality of our life, as a portion of the collective, then we're not offering any resistance or objection to it.
Freedom is the ability to HAVE or NOT HAVE something or someone.
True freedom
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
If we absolutely must HAVE something, we don't have freedom on the subject.
Addictive behaviours and the ego's relentless and unsatiable wants, would dictate our conduct
towards life.
"I desire to have fame and fortune in order to be recognised."
"I must have a drink to settle my nerves."
"I have to make a million dollars before I'm 21."
"I must be in a relationship to be happy."
"I will show everyone I am better than they are."
"I have to put on a good face, to hide my true feelings."
"I demand that people respect me for my succes at making money."
"If you leave me I will die!"
Photo by on Unsplash
Photo by on Unsplash
If we CANNOT HAVE something, we don't have freedom on
the subject.
Again, driven by the fear-based ego, we can deny or self-sabotage ourselves from exploring new
ideas and experiences.
"I would love my own car, but I am afraid to drive"
"I would love to open my own business, but I don't want to be a failure."
"I would really like to be in love again, but I don't want to be left with a broken heart."
" I don't want to be wealthy because money is the root of all evil.""
"I don't deserve to be happy, I am a such a bad person."
"I would like to invest in shares but what if the market crashes?"
Freedom is the ability to HAVE or NOT HAVE something or
Unless something is detrimental you your health and wellbeing, apply moderation and flexibility, because life is to be experienced fully.
"I fancy a glass of wine to celebrate, or not."
"I could go on holidays for a week, but I don't have to."
"I would love a BMW, but you know what, the KIA gets me from point 'A' to 'B'."
"I am not in a relationship at present, but I remain totally open to the idea."
"My taste in music varies, sometimes classic, sometimes rock."
"Poetry, I can take it, or not."
"Beach or mountains, I'm good."