Oracle of Consciousness
#74 - Finding Your
Life Purpose
It's been my observation of the human family, and I haven't observed all of them just yet (still working on it), that we come into this incarnation with a singular Life Purpose, a senior intention about what we want to learn and achieve during this lifetime.
This needs to be uncovered for us to really have passion and purpose in our life.
Very often it's not and people can go through an entire lifetime, without connecting to their Life Purpose.
Our Life Purpose can be very simple, or it can be immensely complex, depending on the challenges and experiences the infinite being who comes into this incarnation, wishes to have for itself, during this particular lifetime.
So we had Mahatma Gandhi influencing 140 million Indians in their endeavours for independence from British rule,
we could have someone cleaning in an office who happily goes around and keeps everything clean, tidy and neat.
There is no right or wrong, or judgment of who has the best Life Purpose, the most fulfilling and the most impactful, it is a very personal thing, that when we are connected to it, we seem to be connected to something that is much greater than ourselves.
It's generally that we are fulfilling our purpose and in itself, that gives us happiness and joy.
Doing what you love doing and doing it to the best of your abilities.
But ultimately, you may find your true Life Purpose is to be of service to others
Think about a time when you generously and selflessly did something for someone.
How and what did you feel when doing that and afterwards?
Following that feeling and performing random acts of kindness can put you on the path to finding and sharing your Life Purpose.
You owe it to yourself to tread the path of your Life Purpose.
We can't necessarily see other people's Life Purpose, so we don't know what it is.
And quite often, they don't know what it is either!
So they will not see it for themselves.
In that case, for a richly fulfilling life, it is best to uncover exactly what you came here to offer, experience and learn.
Some people connect to their Life Purpose at a young age, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Pablo Picasso, and Marie Currie come to mind, for others it take longer.
It is not a race!
Some people, are connected to their Life Purpose, but never put a label on it.
They just loving what they are doing and their life as a result of it.
But it is important to ask the key questions:
Question - Why am I here?
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
"What is it I want to resolve, perhaps in my community, or in my life"?"
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
"What are my gifts that I have to offer"?
Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash
Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash
"What do I feel like I am being drawn towards"?
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
"What gives me lasting joy and happiness"?
These are the key questions and there's many more that will unfold, not necessarily instantaneously, but as they surface and you keep contemplating.......
"What it is I'm here for?",
then eventually, if you're persistent enough and go deeper and deeper each time, it will reveal itself.
As you get clarity and connect to your Life Purpose, no matter how powerful or mundane it may be, there will be a sense of achievement and accomplishment in your life, accompanied by a feeling of self-worthiness.
It may not be acknowledged by other people, as the ego clamours for, but just to feel that:
"Yes, I'm on the right track here, doing what I love doing and I'm going to continue to do that".
Well, that is priceless!
Needless to say, whatever you do, should not cause any harm or be at the expense of other people.
Finding and pursuing your Life Purpose will bring about positive changes in your life.
There will be more consciousness uncovered as it is a natural marriage of your Life Purpose and becoming more aware and conscious.