Oracle of Consciousness
#159 - Experiencing
Our Creations
Duality and Non-Duality
Twoness and Oneness
Separateness and Connectedness
'Twoness' is easy to experience.
OK, well not always easy or pleasant, but it's not overly demanding to discern and witness the duality in our world.
Hot and Cold
Day and Night
Masculine and Feminine
Good and Bad
Ad infinitum
There are two sides of the same coin, in everything that we experience in this dualistic world.
So we have one foot in this binary world and the other one in the non-dual.
Non-dual means that there is not two, but just one of everything and everyone.
This is not easy to conceive, because we are so embedded in this dualistic world, that it's hard to imagine everything and everyone connected as One.
This takes some imagination and courage to dive into this.
It also takes some shedding of old beliefs, ideas and ideologies, to be willing to embrace the idea of Oneness.
When we look for the triune, or the one common denominator in our dual world, we lay bare the concept of an overarching presence of Oneness.
The singular expression of hot or cold is temperature, which implies neither end of the spectrum, but stands alone.
Man or Woman, becomes Human being.
Cat or Dog falls under the Animal category.
Summer or Winter are Seasons.
And so on.
Whether we're aware of it or not, we are multi-dimensional at the core.
So we are One, in the One world and also experiencing duality in the dual world.
This is a simultaneous experience, as both worlds are operating at the same time.
And we can can consciously create in physical world.
An idea comes to us out of 'nowhere' that we would like pizza for lunch. We go through the machinations of preparing the ingredients, cooking the pizza and voila, we sit down at the dinner table and enjoy our creation.
The nature of our true existence, of who we are at the core, is non-dual.
That means there is no matter, no energy, no space, and no time.
It is infinite.
Therefore it is impossible to describe, to fully conceive or comprehend at this level of our conscious evolution.
The opposite is very easy, it's tangible and we can feel and sense it through our five senses and throw in a little bit of non-dual Sixth Sense (intuition) as well.
Our task perhaps or our mission on this planet, is to tap into the non-dual world of infinite and unified potential, and bring it about as a creation in the physical world.
We are co-creating in the great wheel of life; and why would we do this, what would be the whole purpose of this?
Because if we were residing only in the non-dual world, there would be nothing to experience.
There's no-thing, nothing tangible, no matter, energy, space or time in that world.
In order to experience our creations, we have to have these two worlds.
Now we can create something, starting with a thought, an imagination, idea, or a concept that has no physicality at the moment, but then as we manifest it, by bringing it into the dualistic 3-dimensional world that we inhabit we can now experience what we've created.
And that's the game that we're playing.
We came here just to have an experience, because in the other realm, there is nothing to experience that is tangible.
You, the infinite consciousness that you are, created this body in and through the two realms.
And now you get to enjoy occupying this body, living in this three-dimensional world, experiencing what you have manifested, whether it's a family, a business, a book, a movie, or a life.
This is your creation that you created.
In this realm, you can experience it.
How marvellous is that?