Oracle of Consciousness


The quality or condition of being two parts, elements,
or aspects.

That is to say, there is
two of everything..

The opposite of duality,
would be:

Oneness, an absence of two of anything.

Let's contemplate this expression.

“We are infinite consciousness, having a human experience”.


What does that mean?

What if we originated from an infinite consciousness state (and this is my personal belief) and that we are infinite at the core, having no beginning and no ending?

This of course, is very difficult for the mind to grasp.

None-the-less, this infinite consciousness has also been described as 'Oneness', or 'One'.

That implies that Oneness is an absence of ‘Twoness’, meaning there is only one of everything and in this condition, there would be no duality, and no way of determining one thing from another, because there is no ‘other’ to compare it with.

If everything and everyone is One, we could pose the question,

One, relative to what?

Well, one relative to one, doesn't make any sense.

The left hemisphere of the brain can't make any logic out of it.

But the right hemisphere gets it!

“We are infinite consciousness, having a human experience”.


When we look at the last part of this statement, that we're “having a human experience”, which means we are occupying a physical body in this dualistic universe where ‘Twoness’ exists, we could postulate that:

“Oneness is playing a game of Twoness, in order to lead us back to Oneness”.

We arrive in this incarnation as the one infinite being and we are experiencing the ‘Twoness’ of duality, hot and cold, masculine, feminine, day and night, good and bad, etc.

The whole process of us being in this dualistic universe is to experience what we and others have co-created in this world that we live in.

What we do want and what we don't what.

Otherwise, in the state of Oneness, there is nothing to experience.

Sit with this for a moment, contemplate its meaning and how it applies to you?

Welcome to duality