Oracle of Consciousness
#150 - Essence of Grace

Grace: Endowed with sacred blessing, support, and sanctuary.
A complete feeling of wholeness, connectedness, joy, and happiness.
People describe their lives as having been blessed and touched
by grace.

How do we experience that?

How do we draw this into us and live from a place of grace?
If we look at the essence of consciousness, the connectedness to all, our connection to the field, to unity, this would in essence be grace.
We allow this to arise and flow through us openly, evenly, beautifully, with no resistance.
As we chip away at the iceberg of our mental and emotional ‘stuff’, more and more of the essence of grace starts to flow through our lives, in everything that we do.
We can live from that place, a place of joy and happiness, equality, peace, and harmony.
It is achievable.

But and this is a big BUT, we have to do our inner and outer work to allow grace to flow through us.
We have to be prepared to drop all of our barriers, judgment, master the ego-minds fear, separateness and superiority, and our lower-level emotions.
We also need to master our physicality.
If we have something chronically out of balance or impeding our health and wellness, this needs to be addressed as it could provide a barrier between us and the essence.
Grace is all around us, all of the time, is ever present, and is never not there!
So do the inner work, diligently diving in, by being committed will reveal the chink in our armour that we put around ourselves, the ‘Great Wall of China’ we may have built around our hearts, and allow this essence of grace to flow gracefully through us.
Imagine your life filled with grace.
Imagine the grace of a professional ballerina, a concert violinist, or a meditator.

Marathon runners talk about 'hitting the wall', but beyond the wall is the zone of grace.

There is this essence that we can witness in people that they just seem to be in another place, perhaps other-worldly?
The more we can tap into this, the more effectively we can live our lives, personally and then share our gift with others, to be able to be of service and value to other people, to the planet with all its species.

This is a journey to more consciousness.
Perhaps another name for grace is consciousness?
Give yourself permission for this essence to gracefully flow through you, allowing your identity to become grace, the essence of life, wholeness, unity, and focus your attention on that.
This a path to more consciousness.
This is a truly beautiful path, paved with gold, the gold of grace in every moment.

Yes, we may hit the wall from time to time, as is the nature of duality, but from this place of separateness, we can draw ourselves into interconnectedness and grace.
Where attention goes,
energy flows.
Make sure you're flowing your energy in the right direction and live your life in the essence of grace.
"Grace is like the lapping water of a stream.
It might ebb and flow, but it never stops spreading its message of kindness."