Oracle of Consciousness
#154 - Emulate Nature

Whether we aware of it or not, we came from nature and ultimately, we will return to nature.

Our physical form will become deceased and usually buried or cremated, both of which imply a return to nature.
However, that which animates this physical form of ours, is infinite and not restricted
only to nature.

If we observe and embrace nature, deeply connecting with it, we will recognise some extraordinary patterns that are present.
Nautilus shells.
Tree ferns.

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash
Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash
Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash
Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash
Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash

Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash
Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash

Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash
Photo by Tony Stoddard on Unsplash
Fibonacci Sequence
Golden Ratio

The Fibonacci Sequence or Golden Ratio can be found in the natural world.
The Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on) is a never-ending series of numbers, where each number in the sequence is found by adding together the two numbers before it.
You can see it in your own body, in the way seashells grow, and the number of petals in flowers

The four elements of Nature: water, air, earth and fire.
Biomimicry, is where we model and mimic nature.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash
Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

Photo by Sam Schooler on Unsplash
Photo by Sam Schooler on Unsplash

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash
Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

Photo by Aromal Surendran on Unsplash
Photo by Aromal Surendran on Unsplash

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash
Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash
Water: Blood

Air: Breath,

Earth: Organic compounds
and salts

Fire: Body temperature and
Nature constantly renews and regenerates itself.

Our Physical Body.
Our bodies renew and regenerate themselves every seven years, up to a certain point when they start the aging process and then they start to degenerate.
They follow the cycle of action; birth, growth, and death.
Like the caterpillar, we humans are going through our version of metamorphosis

It all starts from the inside!
It is a fact that the darkest hour comes just before dawn.
This is the magic of nature.
It is termed the false dawn as it appears that morning light is arriving, but then it recedes followed by the full dawn blossoming into a new day.
Let's use that as a metaphor for our progress and journey along our life and spiritual path. We're going to experience some inner darkness from time-to-time because we live in a dualistic universe.
Let's embrace these times and do what nature does, she doesn't try and fight this darkness, or bring the sunrise up earlier so that the darkness doesn't occur.
It is just the pattern of nature.
As this darkness descends upon us and ventures within our mind, emotions, and physicality, we turn and embrace them knowing there is on the other side of this darkness, an emergence of light, often it’s called
'The light at the end of the tunnel'.
Knowing that there is going to be light at some time in the future, that should help us with our forward progress, dropping the resistance, surrendering into whatever is in this darkness and knowing that ultimately it will surely resolve into the light.
With no denial or resistance, we don't have to focus all our attention on the darkness, but acknowledge it is part of our life, some past trauma, upset, or conflict waiting to be faced, resolved and healed.

By choice, we can put our attention on the light and it is to there, our energy will flow.
This leads you to evolve into the real you, the infinite being made of light and love.
Your darkness exists, as does the light, both are needed.
This is the Yin and the Yang of life.
Accept both as a gift of growth, but remember to always come back to the light.
Every day, every morning, every lifetime, the light will emerge beyond the darkness.
Look out for that.

Be like Nature!