Oracle of Consciousness
#164 - Creating
an Effect
The Creation of an effect.
One of our highest purposes as a creator, co-creating in the great Wheel of Life, is to bring something out of the Unified Field of Potential into manifestation, create an effect, whatever that is, without judgement.
We need to be on constant alert as to what we are creating and the intention behind it, lest we cause harm.
It pays us to sift through what we've created in the past, determining whether this was useful to ourselves and others, or was it damaging?
Where was the creation coming from?
Was it coming directly from the heart -
a place of love?
Or was it coming from the fear-based ego, seeking revenge, or projecting to bring somebody down?
These are the effects that we may have created through our creations.
Please don't fret over them, nothing can be changed about the past, other than
how we view it now.
The purer effects that we have created, means that we're more in alignment with our heart values and who we are at the very core.
Many people will demonstrate creating an effect physically, mentally and emotionally.
Some of these will be detrimental and some of them will be very, very life-enhancing.
You get to choose!
So once again, it's the inner and outer journey, and you the silent witness, observing the effects that are being created
by yourself and others.
Looking back deeper and deeper into them and questioning.:
"Is this something that I would like to repeat?"
"Has this resulted in causing myself harm or harm to others?"
"Harm to the environment?"
"Harm towards future generations?"
If so,
"What different choice could I make right now?"
This is where our curiosity really comes to the fore.
Be curious about what is your intention
behind your creations.
"What is the intention behind this effect that I am trying to create on myself, on others and in the world"?
Keep those effects as pure, as
heart-centred as possible.
Nobody's perfect. We're all going to trip up
now and again.
It is how many times you get up again that counts!
The more we focus on becoming aware and conscious of the effects that we are creating, that will open the door to leading to more positive, uplifting results that you can create towards yourself, towards others, to our human family and in our world.