Oracle of Consciousness
Becoming Conscious of
Our Own Consciousness

In my early days living on a remote farm in England, I would run freely through the woods, fields and along the canal that dissected the rich, fertile farmland surrounding our home.
With my faithful Whippet by my side, a gift for my fifth birthday, we 'stalked' hares, pheasants and imaginary Native American Indians, despite there probably being none in England in those post war years.

“Imagination, that engine of creativity, was expressed with reckless abandon!”

These were my first (conscious) experiences of what lay beyond my panting breath and thumping heartbeat, at the conclusion of a lively pursuit and attempts to keep up with my swift companion.
They were moments of incomprehensible stillness and clarity.
I had no idea what was happening to me, but it felt… so, so good!

My loving, pacifist and aware parents, told us three boys that any religious path that was open to us, was not their choice to make, but they would leave it to us to decide, once we were old enough, or inclined (or not).

For this I am forever grateful, as it afforded me the freedom and opportunity to explore and immerse myself far-and-wide in the meaning of life, down numerous paths and to some extraordinary teachers.
A large chunk of the jigsaw puzzle of what constituted my consciously evolving life, fell into place some 28 years ago, in a simple adobe hut aside the mighty Ganges River in Rishikesh.

With the subsequent passing of my mentor, swami and most conscious guide, I chose Mother Nature to show my inquisitive mind the answers I sought.

Given the opportunity, or more correctly, consciously creating the opportunity to engage in direct, inner, self-enquiry, leads us beyond our bodies, our thoughts, emotions and life story, to an indescribable place that our simple minds cannot possibly conceive.
The mind cannot grasp the magnitude of what lies beyond the tangible, time, space, energy and matter, which constitute our physical world within which we inhabit.

It struggles with non-duality – “Oh come on, everything is tied to relativity” it protests and “No beginning or ending” – pah….. poppycock!!” It shouts.
And yet, in those moments of stillness and clarity, one can feel a profound sense of unity and wholeness.

“Our consciousness, becoming conscious of Consciousness."

"Our awareness, becoming
aware of Awareness.”

Our outer world reflects
our inner world.
Art by Alex Grey

Behind and beyond every thought, sensation, smell, taste, touch, sound and sight, something is registering and aware of what is transpiring through our experiences.

The presence of a Silent Witness becomes apparent.

This 'Silent Witness' is the real you, the animator of this body, the life force and the inner and outer aliveness.

All is interconnected!

Even when we are unconscious, the Consciousness that we are, is still recording and experiencing all that is occurring and this is retrievable, as I have witnessed in my own life, and as a coach for many others through regression therapy.

The Unknowable, reveals itself tiny bit by tiny bit, through our practice.

The Absolute, tenders minute snippets of itself, to encourage us on.

The Source of All That Is, envelops us in its love, beckoning us to come closer.
And yet, and yet, the more we try, the further it removes itself from us.

Only when we surrender ourselves into the Unknowable can we get an infinitesimal glimpse of what it is and who we are?

And when we dwell in the feeling of Unity and Wholeness, we can draw closer.

There is no separateness.
All is ONE.

That which you seek was never lost, for it is ever-present.

Dwell in that!

All of these writings are free-of-charge and available here to read, share with your family and friends.