Oracle of Consciousness
#151 - Choosing
New Beliefs
Choose life enhancing and heart-centred beliefs.
From our beliefs, our behaviours will emanate.
Whatever we believe about ourselves, other people and our world, will be reflected in
the behaviours that we conduct.
It's really important at this juncture to sift through, what do we believe.
What do you believe in personally?
Did I borrow some beliefs from somebody else, from my parents, from some authority, or someone who appeared to be an authority, or somebody's ideology that wasn't mine?
This can happen, especially when we're young.
How does this serve us now, since we've grown, matured and experienced more life.
"Is this my belief I'm hanging on to, or is it someone else's?"
As we sift through these beliefs,
"What do I believe about myself?"
"What do I believe about this subject, this person, this history."
Whatever it is, we need to re-evaluate it based on our life experience and the changes that are in a constant state of flux.
It really is a good idea to re-assess these from time to time and if you say,
"No, I still believe this. I believe this to be true".
Good. That's your belief, you hang on to it. It's not anybody else's business, whether it's their belief or not.
If they have compassion and understanding, they can agree to disagree with your belief, as long as it's in a non-violent manner.
We allow them to have their beliefs without trying to manipulate and subjugate them, control, or forcibly get them to
change their beliefs.
This is a personal journey and people will change their beliefs when they're ready.
However, we can do something about it, we can consciously cause the analysis to happen and say,
"No, that was not my belief",
"I believed that then, but it really doesn't apply now".
Then what we have to do is replace those old beliefs with something different.
That's where we can choose life-enhancing beliefs asking,
"Will this engage and improve the quality of my life"?
"Will this new belief help me to become more heart-centred, more compassionate, kinder, more appreciative, forgiving, braver, and courageous"?
We want to replace, the old redundant beliefs.
If the old ones work for you, or some of them, hang on to them until they don't serve you any longer.
Then you can replace them with something that will truly support your life.
And as we do this, we start to unfold this consciousness that is driving and animating this body of ours.
We become more aware of the choices we make and the connection we have to everything, to all people, to all species, to our precious Mother Earth.
This is the journey of becoming more conscious, more aware, more heart-centred, and more alive.
That's what we want, isn't it?
We want to experience more aliveness inside us.
So, test the aliveness inside you and then make a choice.
"Do I want to add more aliveness to this journey of mine"?
It's a bit of a no-brainer, isn't it?