Oracle of Consciousness
#157 - Breaking Down The
Wall Around Our Heart

When we've been hurt physically, emotionally, or mentally, we have a tendency to protect ourselves from being hurt again and this is a very natural tendency.
However, what inevitably happens is that we start closing down our heart, to prevent us from being 'heart-damaged' or 'heart-broken'.
We build a wall around our heart to protect ourselves. Sometimes it can feel as big as the Great Wall of China, an impenetrable barrier that prevents us from being hurt again.

In essence, the energetic heart in combination with the extraordinary heart pump, cannot be broken.
The mind can deceive us, and would have us believe our heart is broken.
But in essence, this energy can only be closed down or buried.

What is the liability of building a wall around our heart?

Well the liability is, yes it will prevent us from getting hurt, but it also prevents us from receiving love.
So now, even if somebody is being loving and there is no threat of them hurting us, emotionally, mentally or physically, we still have this wall and barrier between us and them.
The opposite is true, that even though we feel inclined to be able to give love to someone, because they feel safe, our love that we generate in our heart cannot reach them, because we built this impenetrable wall. It is an energetic, metaphorical wall, obviously you're not carrying around with you - The Great Wall of China.
So the wall is a liability.
We came into this incarnation to give and receive love and that is the foundational carrier wave of whatever we create. We put love into music, art, our relationships, into businesses and we can receive love back from all of those elements.
We can give love to all, only if there's no barrier standing in the way.

So how do we dismantle this?
How do we prevent ourselves from being permanently locked into our self-imposed prison?
Well, I don't advise getting a big bulldozer and knocking down the whole thing, but how wonderful that would be, if it were effective.
It generally isn't. Because we have to build up our trust in ourselves, in other people and build up our confidence. This is where we pull upon the heart values of bravery and courage, understanding, forgiveness and appreciating people more than ever, especially if we've been hurt by them.
They have provided us with a life lesson and we've grown from that.
But what I do recommend is when you are ready, and it's in your time frame, your calendar, nobody else's, you approach the metaphorical wall and gingerly take off one brick.
Maybe as you go to lift that first brick you think,
" Errrr…not today, I'm not feeling that confident,"
and put it back on again, that's fine.

On another day will come when you think,
"This is the day"
And you pick up that first brick, take a deep breath, turn around, put it behind you and then feel how that feels!
Now you've allowed a little bit of love to go out and a little bit of love to come in.
"Ummm that feels
pretty cool".
Whenever you're ready, take the next brick away, and the next and the next.
You see you built this wall. You know where every metaphoric brick is, you know every size of them.
It's your creation, so if you created it, you can uncreate it, you can deconstruct it, you can pull it down and systematically keep taking these bricks down.
Then one day you'll look around see this big shiny, new, yellow, Caterpillar bulldozer parked next door.
"I think I might borrow that just for a few minutes and knock the rest of this wall down.
It doesn't serve me anymore".

So now the wall is dismantled and an interesting metaphor that was showing human beings how to do this, was the Berlin Wall dividing West and East Germany.
This was dismantled by ordinary people with chisels, hammers and wire cutters.
Initially, the government didn't take it down, it wasn't knocked down with a big piece of equipment. The initial severing of that disconnection between East and West, families and communities, was done systematically by citizens.
That first lump was then pushed down, allowing the free flow of people, energy and love to return back to a united Germany.
So there's the metaphor, it was there to show us that we too can break down all the walls of separation and as we do that, we feel the sense of interconnectedness, and the sense of love.

And who senses that interconnecedness?
That's us?
Who we are at the core.
So we open our heart to give and recieve love.
In doing so, in genuinely loving ourselves, we retain or regain the sense of consciousness, the sense of the infinite, the feeling of beautiful love.
And we all deserve that.

"Love is the whole thing, we are only pieces,
Love is the sea of no end,
We are a drop of it."