Oracle of Consciousness
#147 - Breaking Down
How do we minimise the feeling of
being separate
from anyone
or anything?
"All things are connected like the blood which unites one family."
So spoke Chief Seattle.
"Everything is connected" in quantum physics refers to the principle of entanglement..
Notice what is being stated here, they didn't say some things or some people, they espouse everything!
That we are separate from anything, or anyone is the grand illusion that the masters of old have repeatedly expounded.
At the higher levels of our existence, beyond this 3-Dimensional and solid world we occupy, there is no separateness, or duality.
But how do we learn to live with the idea and earthly ‘reality’ of separateness?
How do we become more connected to our authenticity, to our divinity, to nature, other people, and to who we are at the core?
And then, how do we maintain or restore that connection that we think we have lost?
Well, there's a lovely parable based on the mythological experience of Moses on the mountain, where he witnessed a bush engulfed in a fire that never ceased burning.
He came down from the mountain with this message and insight,
“I Am That I Am.”
People were troubled and perplexed by the sentence “I Am That I Am”, which for most, was very difficult to understand.
Fast forward to 2008 and filmmaker James Twyman, in his wonderful documentary entitled, 'The Moses Code', broke the code and delivered the answer to the meaning behind “I Am That I Am.”
According to him what was missing, was a simple, common, garden variety, comma!
The sentence should read, he suggests; I Am That, (comma), I Am.
This makes a lot more sense, because now we're talking about the big ‘I’, not the little ‘i’ as such, but “I Am That, I Am.”
Now we can look at everything we experience and know that it is a projection of our multi-dimensionality.
Everything is arising out of the Unified Field of Potential, this infinite Field of Consciousness and when we think that we are separate from that, or any part thereof, it appears distant, unrelated, and disconnected.
Our challenge is to bring ourselves more into coherent alignment with the situation in which both sides must be factored in and considered.
Because most of us have been habituated to primarily see everything and everyone through the lens of separateness.
Here is the process and I've used for years.
It's very, very easy to do, starting off with the simpler elements and then gradually getting more and more difficult and challenging.
Using our five senses, we can go out into the world, have an experience, and connect with any form it takes.
Let’s commence with the sense of taste.
Select your favourite piece of juicy fruit. As you bite into this fruit, the juices run through your mouth stimulating your taste buds, you quietly say to yourself,
“I Am That, I Am.”
This statement implies that you are not separate from the flavour, texture or the taste, your tongues taste buds, the swallowing mechanism in your mouth, as ALL are connected.
The more mindful you are when eating, changes and heightens your experience.
Using your sense of smell, you might be entering your kitchen, or walking past a coffee shop, the doors are open and out wafts exquisite bakery and coffee smells.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, slowly savouring the aroma then quietly say to yourself,
“I Am That, I Am.”
Then go touch something, mindfully feeling the texture, weight, temperature, thickness of the object, living or inanimate, pausing to announce to yourself,
“I Am That, I Am.”
Listen to the sounds around you.
Be aware of any sound that is arising from any source, be it natural, artificial, or man-made.
Take it in with no judgement whatsoever and state,
“I Am That, I Am.”
The last of our perceptions is what we see.
Be still and focus on one item to gaze upon.
While doing so take in the colours, distance away, size, shape, structure, density, etc.
Really observe what is there and say quietly to yourself,
“I Am That, I Am.”
What happens as you practice this, the illusion of separateness dissipates. It just seems to melt away and you become connected with whatever you are perceiving at the time.
You the observer and the
observed become one.
Then as you get more adept at this, go into things without judgement, which may be labelled, ‘unpleasant’.
It's easy to do this exercise with the pleasantries, but I'm sure we've all experienced stepping in some dog poo at some time! You look down judgingly at your shoe in disgust, but on this occasion, you remember to say,
“I Am That, I Am,”
Yes, I know this sound bizarre!
However, if nothing is separate, how can we compartmentalise and pigeon-hole stuff as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
You, me, all of us, are the One Consciousness manifesting as everyone and everything in existence.
To break down the mind-created walls of separateness, we have to be all-encompassing and know that we are all sharing this one divine, beautiful Spirit.
Whatever label we want to assign, it's all coming from this One Source, the Unified Field of Potential.
We are both the Field and in it, for nothing is separate.
We are all brothers and sisters of the human family, we are all connected to the microbes and majestic mountains, gossamer thin incense smoke, heavy, foreboding rain clouds and everything conceivable in between!
So, you may well ask, how does Separateness serve us?
Ultimately, Separateness leads us to Interconnectedness and between the two, we use our free will to choose in which element we want to spend the bulk of our time.
Separated to Connected
Separateness to Interconnectedness