Oracle of Consciousness

Cause No Harm
Awareness and Responsibility

I am feeling the changes taking place!

Chapter 11
Cause No Harm - Awareness and Responsibility

"The key point is to have genuine sense of universal responsibility, based on love and compassion, and clear awareness."

Dalai Lama

Awareness: An ability to be conscious of, feel or perceive.

There is no doubt in my mind that causing harm is directly related to our level of awareness.

That is to say, the more elevated our awareness or consciousness of ourselves and what is going on inside and around us, the less likely we are to cause harm.


Because consciousness breeds wiser more intelligent behaviours!

And conversely, the less awareness we have, the more likely we are to cause harm to ourselves, others, equipment and assets, the environment, the planet as a whole and to future generations.

In over-simplified terms, awareness can be slotted into three categories:

Self (ego-centric)

The individual sees no sense of self beyond themselves.
It is all about I, Me or Mine, with little or no consideration for others. It is also the lowest form of human awareness and consequently the most common from which harm is caused, because the individuals see themselves as being separate from others.

Family/Group or Nation

This is a step up in awareness, but still restricts the person from seeing the bigger picture and as a result, harm may be caused that impacts over a wider range, because a sense of separateness still exists in many of the members.

World - Collective

At this level of awareness we see ourselves as collective members of the planet, all brothers and sisters united, interacting, interdependent and interconnected with each other and the Earth’s resources for our survival and shared growth.

Did you know that awareness and responsibility are linked?

More aware people take more responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions.

The following definitions cover individual, collective and corporate social responsibility,
all of which are relative to Cause No harm:


Being a source or cause.
Liable to be required to give account of one's actions.
People are causally responsible for events when those events are directly brought about by their actions.


Is a concept or doctrine, according to which individuals are to be held responsible for other people's actions by tolerating, ignoring, or harboring them, without actively collaborating in these actions.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Is a concept whereby organisations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on their customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment.
Organisations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.

As we become more aware of what is required of us, then it follows that we must take more responsibility for the outcome of our:




Cause harm or Cause no harm?

Once again we are left with a choice;
which one will we choose?

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Chapter 12