Oracle of Consciousness
Releasing Ancestral Pain

A person from whom one is descended, especially more remote than a grandparent.

While my known ancestors did not travel back further than my grandparents on my Mother’s side, at the deepest level, I acknowledge my ancestors from eons ago.
For without them, I would not be here today.

I pay homage to their courage and resilience in facing the adversity and sheer terror of wars, hardships, the unknown, and oh so much unknown!

Of being colonised, abused, suppressed, subjugated, burnt at the stake and sent off to kill other humans.

I have felt and knowingly or sometimes unknowingly carried this burden of pain way longer than I should.
Today I release it.

I let go this burden, but definitely not my ancestors, because known or unknown, they have shaped me, (us), into what and who I am today, what and who we all are today originated with our ancestors.

Modern science has verified that we get half our DNA for Dad and half from Mum going back many generations.

Depending on which test is used, we can uncover our generational path from between 700 years to a whopping 10,000 years!

That is approximately 28 to 400 generations, through which the test may reveal where our ancestors may have originated!

Who knows what skeletons my be lurking in those cupboards!
"Another way to restate this is that your ethnicity divides with each past generation.
You have 50% of the DNA from your parents.
Then, 25% of that will be derived from your grandparents.
Going further back, it’s 12.5% from your great grandparents and continues onto your great-great-grandparents."
No doubt future testing will be more extensive, accurate and revealing, but already we can see a close, intimate co-relation between ourselves and our ancestors.

And for that we should be eternally grateful.
And what about prior incarnations?

Heads Up!
Now we venturing into esoteric 'speculation land' that has little to no scientific validation.

Some theosophers suggest we experience on average, 777 incarnations.

Numerologists posit that through our full birth date (month, day, year) reduced to a single digit between 1 - 9, it will give us an indication of how many times we have incarnated.
Results of 11, 22, or 33 need no further reduction as they are considered powerful Master Numbers.
As an example, this would be my numerology outcome:
Born on May 2nd, 1946 that would be 5+2+1+9+4+6 = 27.
Add 2+7 = 9
According to this method, I have had nine(9) previous incarnations.

Others suggest we may have had thousands of prior incarnations on Earth, so it is up to us to find the truth about our existence.
Never-the less, when we throw all these mystical possibilities together and staying on the subject, we could have a huge number of ancestors!

We better hope they don't all show up on our doorstep one day!!
And of course, we too are adding to the ancestral pool everyday for our future generations to ponder.

The point being made here is; as we embrace the past pain of our own and of our ancestors, healing and releasing it, we put and end to it being carried forward as a burden for the generations that follow.
Now we can revere our ancestors through the rays of deep respect, honouring and love.