Oracle of Consciousness
#128 - Abandonment

Abandonment, feeling one or more of the following:
Deserted, neglected, discarded, rejected, discontinued, betrayed.

In this case, abandoned means to experience a lack of support, love or friendship, and in terms of a place, to leave somewhere with the intention of never coming back.
Abandonment can be a minor version, or a really tragic event.
When we look at abandonment and support being ended, love being ceased, connections/friendships being concluded, if it happens over a long period of time, the mind can adjust.
We can prepare ourselves for such an event to happen and it rarely has the same impact upon us, as might a rather sudden abandoning, or cessation occurring in our lives.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash
When a loved one passes away, with very little warning involved, perhaps in an accident or a sudden debilitating illness, we haven't had the time to prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically for that loss and it can have a profound effect and impact on our lives.
But what's really happened, what has really happened underlying that?
It appears that when we are very close to someone or something, a pet, or material object and it's taken away from us, the real source of the loss is that we've identified with that person or object, and in turn it becomes part of our identity.
We even label them -
"My wife, my husband, my brother, my lover,
my dog, my car, etc."
There is an association of identification or even 'ownership' with them or the object.

So, when it's taken away, when they cease to be present for us, there appears to be a hole in our heart, or we may think our spirit is damaged.
But this is not possible.
We talk about having a broken heart, but the heart energetically, is a source of all of our power.
What we have done is made up some stories in our mind associated with the loss.
This may be temporarily, or over a long period of time, we’ve disconnected from our source of power, from that source of love within us, from the infinite power residing within us all.
We've disconnected because we put so much attention on the object or the person and we've identified so much with that person or object, that when it's taken away, we mistakenly feel we're no longer complete or whole.

To feel incomplete or less whole is an illusion!

This is a story we made up in our head!
It is a mind-created fabrication.
It cannot be true.
We are infinite beings; we will always be infinite beings.
We were never born, and we will never cease to exist!
When we are attached to the identity that somebody or something is
"Who I am"
at the exclusion of anything else, then we experience a huge loss.
I'm sure we've all been through this at some time or another.
Our task is to disconnect the attachment (definitely not our love and affinity) towards something or someone outside of us.
The road to recovery is to recognise that there is impermanence in this dualistic society, in this world that we live in, and that it will eventually go through the cycle of action of birth, growth and death.
But we at the core, that which animates these bodies, never dies, is infinite by nature, filled with love and power.

If there is only ONE of us and everything, everyone is connected, can we ever be abandoned?

Love has nothing to do with another person.
Love is Truth.
Love is Beauty.
Love is Self.
To know yourself, to surrender to the truth of yourself, is to surrender to love.